I think the body politic is like the ocean with tides and waves. And we have about as much control of national trends as we do the ocean. We are a fickle country. Everyone wanted Prohobition. 10 years later everyone was sick of it. We apparently need to go though this and hopefully Trumpism will have within it the seeds of its own destruction.His policies will hurt enough people that the tide will turn. Then we can be like tugboats helping to steer the country back again.
You may be right, but what worries me is how much damage is/will be done to our country until that time in the future. Will the damage be reversable? It isn't a very heartening outlook to me.
Elections have consequences, I wonder how many Trump voters regret their choice? The fact that we are where we are was telegraphed. Why was it not taken seriously? I have a real problem believing that half of the voters are this cruel . What of the voters who chose not to vote, do you all still believe that your vote doesn’t matter? Yes, I am tired…tired of being told I’m an alarmist!
Elections DO have consequences. What will the country be, if the D party is able to claw back a majority?
I think the body politic is like the ocean with tides and waves. And we have about as much control of national trends as we do the ocean. We are a fickle country. Everyone wanted Prohobition. 10 years later everyone was sick of it. We apparently need to go though this and hopefully Trumpism will have within it the seeds of its own destruction.His policies will hurt enough people that the tide will turn. Then we can be like tugboats helping to steer the country back again.
You may be right, but what worries me is how much damage is/will be done to our country until that time in the future. Will the damage be reversable? It isn't a very heartening outlook to me.
Calling his win last year “decisive” makes it sound like a majority of Americans voted for him; they didn’t.
Elections have consequences, I wonder how many Trump voters regret their choice? The fact that we are where we are was telegraphed. Why was it not taken seriously? I have a real problem believing that half of the voters are this cruel . What of the voters who chose not to vote, do you all still believe that your vote doesn’t matter? Yes, I am tired…tired of being told I’m an alarmist!
Elections DO have consequences. What will the country be, if the D party is able to claw back a majority?