Hi Sarah- I started reading your book this morning. I have been “deconstructing” for several years now and don’t attend church or consider myself Christian any longer after being raised in fundamentalism.

As I’m reading- I have a question. At what point does fundamental Evangelical Christianity meet criteria to be termed a cult? It has all the signs and symptoms. Curious to know your thoughts.

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Sarah, I really appreciate your book. I'm enjoying the audio as well. I'd love to invite on to my podcast for an interview and discussion. I've been supporting "exvangelicals" or what I've called the "Church Alumni" for over a decade. I'd welcome a discussion if you have time and are willing. Peace to you. You can check out my content and work on my substack profile.

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Wow, I had no idea such book(s) existed. Thank you for this information and the best of success with your book! (Also writing on this).

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